Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Creating your own website

So you've decided to venture into the world of online business? Making your own website isn't as complicated as it may seem. There are tons of programs and services that can do the hard work for you.
Here I help you focus on beginning a professional site for your business.

Starting up
 The first few steps are usually the most confusing. Websites are devised of a lot of HTML, which is HyperText Markup Language. People used to spend years learning how to program and make use of all the complicated jargon. Now days, it's as simple as point and click!

First of all, you need to pick a website design program or service. (list of super awesome site designers at the end)
Decide how to start
You can break it up into three steps.
A)Plan your website - It sounds obvious but you need to spend a bit of time thinking about your site. Are you going to be selling goods? If so what kind of goods are you going to sell? Are you going to offer products to a localized area (maybe your hometown or local city) or are you planning on worldwide shipping?
B)Design Your Pages - This step makes many people nervous. It isn't that difficult. You do not need to know lots of computer code to build a web page especially with the rise of programs to aid in the design process. Basically with these you can choose already made templates that include and simply add your content, much like using word.They are quite easy to use and can be understood in just a few hours so you can build simple pages, which for most businesses is all that's needed.
C)Publish your site - After you make your new site, get all the content right where you want it and make it look awesome, how is anyone going to see it? Many sites are hosted by second-party hosting sites. You pay so much a month for the domain name ( and they publish it to the world. With design software, all this is explained once you get your website up and ready to run!

Here is a list of design programs that should get you up and running!
Web design business startup kit
Web design mastery
Multi website design
I really hope this helps you out. Good luck and make money!!!!

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